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For Students
Also Known As | Estados Unidos Mexicanos • United Mexican States • México |
Head Of State And Government | President: Andrés Manuel López Obrador |
Capital | Mexico City |
Population | (2024 est.) 132,529,000 |
Currency Exchange Rate | 1 USD equals 17.105 Mexican peso |
Form Of Government | federal republic with two legislative houses (Senate [128]; Chamber of Deputies [500]) |
Official Language | Spanish |
Official Religion | none |
Official Name | Estados Unidos Mexicanos (United Mexican States) |
Total Area (Sq Km) | 1,964,375 |
Total Area (Sq Mi) | 758,450 |
Monetary Unit | Mexican peso (Mex$) |
Population Rank | (2023) 10 |
Population Projection 2030 | 138,757,000 |
Density: Persons Per Sq Mi | (2023) 172.7 |
Density: Persons Per Sq Km | (2023) 66.7 |
Urban-Rural Population | Urban: (2018) 80.2% • Rural: (2018) 19.8% |
Life Expectancy At Birth | Male: (2021) 72.6 years • Female: (2022) 78.4 years |
Literacy: Percentage Of Population Age 15 And Over Literate | Male: (2020) 96% • Female: (2020) 94% |
Gni (U.S.$ ’000,000) | (2022) 1,327,006 |
Gni Per Capita (U.S.$) | (2022) 10,410 |