It generally is agreed that insect metamorphosis evolved as adult insects gradually adopted different modes of life from those of larvae. The characters of larva and adult became genetically independent; in response to natural selection, therefore, each was able to evolve independently of the other. Mouthparts, limbs, and other morphological features were modified in different directions and in higher groups. Where these differences were extreme, an intermediate pupal stage evolved to bridge the morphological gap between larva and adult. It seems quite probable that the development of metamorphosis occurred more than once during the evolution of insects.
Feeding methods
Insects did not evolve in a constant environment. Throughout geological time there were prodigious changes in climate; in addition, evolution was continuous among all other animals and plants. Geologically the selection pressures among insects were changing continuously. At the end of the Mesozoic Era the first flowering plants appeared. Insect evolution has paralleled that of the flowering plants; they have evolved together. As Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), Hymenoptera (ants, bees, and wasps), Diptera (true flies), and Coleoptera (beetles) began to feed upon flowers, nectar, or pollen, flowering plants came to rely more and more upon insects—rather than upon the wind—for transferring their pollen. Flowers evolved nectaries, scents, and conspicuous colours as attractants for those insects that could effect cross-pollination. Insects likewise evolved appropriate mouthpart modifications for extracting nectar from flowers.
During the Mesozoic warm-blooded animals (mammals and birds) first appeared; by the dawn of the Paleogene Period, they had become predominant among Earth’s large animals. The warm fermenting excrement and the decaying dead bodies of mammals furnished excellent nutrient media for many insect larvae, notably among the Diptera and Coleoptera. The adults in both groups found their nourishment in flowers. Some heteropterans (true bugs) and dipterans pierce the skin of birds and mammals and feed on their blood. The Anoplura (sucking lice) and the Siphonaptera (fleas) have become so specialized for this type of parasitic existence that their relationships to other insects are not yet known with certainty.
Continuing evolution
Evolution is occurring among present-day insects. They exhibit a balanced genetic polymorphism; in other words, in response to small environmental changes, one genetic form, more successful than another, will become more plentiful. Sometimes there is no visible difference between these forms, the advantage presumably lying in some physiological change. It is advantageous for a species to have a gene pool from which favourable characters can be selected so that the species can respond to environmental changes. Changes within a species may occur progressively over a large geographical area. Such a progressive genetic change is called a cline; in some cases insects at the extremes of the cline are so unlike that they are taken as separate species and may be infertile when crossed.
One well-known example of evolution in action among insects is industrial melanism (accumulation of the black pigment melanin); many butterflies inhabiting industrial areas have become almost black, the black forms being more tolerant of pollution and less conspicuous to predators. Another example of this cline type of evolution is the development of insect strains resistant to an insecticide that has been applied heavily in an area for several years. In many parts of the world houseflies became highly resistant to DDT.
Distinguishing taxonomic features
The class Insecta is divided into orders on the basis of the structure of the head, including eyes, mouthparts, and antennae; the thorax, including legs and wings; and the abdomen, including segmentation, spiracles, and appendages (cerci, styli, furcula). The genitalia and their accessory structures, usually located in the ninth abdominal segment, are important in classification. Other taxonomic criteria include bristles (their form and arrangement are known as chaetotaxy), sensory receptors (spines, hairs, sensilla, tympanal organs), pattern of wing venation, and position of mouthparts. In addition, type of metamorphosis and form of larva and pupa are used to distinguish insects.