How to use Federal Work-Study as part of your financial aid

Get guaranteed student income.
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Miranda Marquit
Miranda is an award-winning freelancer who has covered various financial markets and topics since 2006. In addition to writing about personal finance, investing, college planning, student loans, insurance, and other money-related topics, Miranda is an avid podcaster and co-hosts the Money Talks News podcast.
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A photo of a student worker in a college library.
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Work-study may be part of your student financial aid package.
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The Federal Work-Study Program is offered to college students with financial need. Federal dollars are sent to schools, which administer the program. When you review your financial aid package, you’ll find out whether you qualify for Federal Work-Study.

As part of the program, you’ll work a set number of hours at a job that may be on campus or off campus. You’ll also have a set wage, which must be at least minimum wage. For students who are seeking regular income to help pay for the everyday costs of living while at college, Federal Work-Study can be part of a financial aid package that helps them reduce the need for student loan debt.

Key Points

  • Federal Work-Study is part of many financial aid packages; it’s available to students with demonstrated need.
  • Eligible part-time or full-time undergraduate, graduate, and professional students can participate.
  • An effort is made to provide you with work related to your field of study, but this isn’t necessary or guaranteed.

Federal Work-Study eligibility

As with other federal financial aid, your eligibility for Federal Work-Study is determined using the information you provide in your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). After the school reviews your form, they put together a financial aid package that includes grants, scholarships, Federal Work-Study, and federal student loans.

If you have financial need, the school will include Federal Work-Study in your aid package. You generally need to meet the following conditions:

  • Be enrolled at least part-time in a participating school
  • Be pursuing an undergraduate, graduate, or professional degree
  • Limit your work hours so you have time for school

Note that in order to be considered for Federal Work-Study, you must tick the appropriate box on your application. (For the 2023 FAFSA, see question 28.)

How does Federal Work-Study work?

If you accept work-study as part of your financial aid package, you’ll get access to various jobs participating in the program, whether on campus or off campus. If a job is off campus, the school generally tries to match it with something related to your field of study.

Because work-study is federally funded, participating schools and employers receive money from the government to help cover the cost of paying you. The number of hours you’re allowed to work are based on the following factors:

  • Your total work-study award. You can’t earn more than the total amount of your Federal Work-Study award at your work-study job.
  • Salary or hourly rate. The number of hours you work will be partially determined by your pay level.
  • School schedule. If you enroll for a large number of credits, your school may limit your approved work-study hours. After all, as a college student, keeping up with your studies is the chief concern.

What jobs can I do?

An effort may be made to provide you with work related to your field of study, but it’s not necessary. For example, you might work at the school through an on-campus job with maintenance or food service, depending on what’s available. Or you might be able to land a job within your field of study, such as in a chemistry lab or with tech support.

Off-campus jobs are also available through the Federal Work-Study program. The school may have agreements in place with employers including government entities, nonprofit organizations, and even some private companies.

How much money can I make?

Your total award is provided as part of your financial aid package. Suppose your work-study award is $5,000 for the school year. If you’re being paid $10 an hour, and you work 16 hours per week during a 16-week fall semester, you’d earn $2,560 (just over half your award). You’d still have $2,440 left of your award to earn in the spring semester.

Undergraduate students are paid by the hour, while graduate and professional students may be paid hourly or with a salary, depending on the employer.

When do I get paid?

As with any job, your school will pay you regularly—at least once per month. The school should pay you directly, or you can request direct deposits to your bank. It’s also possible to request that your pay go toward paying tuition and fees, or a meal plan if you live on campus.

How to apply for Federal Work-Study

When you fill out your FAFSA, indicate on question 28 that you want to be considered for Federal Work-Study. You must choose “yes” to this question in order to have it included in your financial aid package.

When you receive your financial aid package, check to see if you’re eligible for Federal Work-Study and determine if you want to accept it as part of your financial aid.

The bottom line

The Federal Work-Study Program is part of your financial aid package and can be a way to receive regular income throughout the semester. It offers an opportunity to develop additional skills, plus funds that might reduce your reliance on student loans. Although the amount you receive probably won’t come close to covering your cost to attend college—and probably won’t even cover a semester of tuition—it can help reduce the need for student loans. It is also reliable. If you apply for other jobs, you might make more money, but you won’t be guaranteed work.

Consider Federal Work-Study as a potential source of cash flow to cover living expenses in your budget. You can use it in conjunction with other types of financial aid, including grants and scholarships. If you still need student loans, Federal Work-Study might help you to borrow less than you would otherwise.