Aristotle: Facts & Related Content

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Also Known As Aristoteles
Born 384 BCE • Greeceancient Greece
Died 322 BCE • ChalcisGreece
Founder Lyceum
Notable Works “Categories”“Eudemian Ethics”“History of Animals”“Metaphysica”“Nicomachean Ethics”“Ode to Virtue”“On Generation and Corruption”“On Interpretation”“On the Generation of Animals”“On the Heavens”“On the Parts of Animals”“On the Soul”“Organon”“Physics”“Poetics”“Politics”“Posterior Analytics”“Prior Analytics”“Protrepticus”“Rhetoric”“Sophistical Refutations”“Topics”
Subjects Of Study biologyzoologyAristotelianismcategorydialecticekthesiselemententelechyenthymemefallacygolden meanhylomorphismideanousoligarchypolispredicableprime moverrhetoricsoulsyllogistictable of oppositesteleologyuniversal

Did You Know?

  • Only about a fifth of Aristotle's works are extant.
  • No complete finished work of Aristotle has survived. His extant works consist of fragments of finished writings; manuscripts that he used in teaching; and lecture notes by him or his students.
  • After the death of his wife Pythias, Aristotle lived with a woman named Herpyllis, with whom he had a son, Nichomachus, named after Aristotles father. Although Herpyllis was of inferior social status (she could have been a slave or a freed servant), Aristotle was very fond of her and made generous provisions for her in his will.

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